Harassment: Highlighted this week, happening every week

Today marks the end of the International Anti-Street Harassment Week, but the struggle continues for many who, for one ‘reason’ or another, are targeted and bullied. Whether it be through words, intimidation, or physical violence, this type of unacceptable behavior happens every day.

The week, sponsored by StopStreetHarassment.org, was created to bring these issues more directly into the public eye, as well as share potential solutions to prevent abuse and keep everyone accountable.

One example of abuse they cite on their website: a 2013 study of 93,000 LGBQT individuals in the European Union found that half avoided public spaces sometimes because of street harassment and most reported high levels of fear in locations like restaurants, public transportation, streets, parking lots, and parks.

April is also Sexual Assault Awareness Month — sexual assault is a large component that harassment can quickly lead to.

Earlier this week I took part in a tweetchat to bring further awareness and collaborate on ways we can spur a dialogue that will foster a safer environment. Check out my interaction here.

What instances of harassment have you been witness or victim to? Share your insight below, along with any advice you have for how to stand up to harassment.

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